Fashion Blog: a diary of moods, thoughts and progressions.!/AlexGoldhammer
What is TooMuchPatentLeather?
My name is Alex and this blog is more of a diary or mood board, expressing my own original thoughts about fashion, beauty, art and what exactly is too much. The title of this blog is like my personal style in that it is ironic- there can never be too much patent leather. Fashion is more than self expression or art, it is a form of communication and this page will be committed to communicating both simple and elaborate conceptual ideas and also opinions. Whenever I place pictures of myself I am not using professional photography tools. I do not own or claim property on any images. Feel free to leave a comment expressing your own opinions and constructive criticism. Thanks for reading!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
When is HIGH SCHOOl too much?
"I Didn't Went To Prom And i Feel Depressed HELP?
i feel soooo sad whenever i see pictures of my classmates at prom :( do you think prom is a big deal or not?"
When is high school not too much? Whats worse is how it has been (or not been) depicted throughout the years. Shows like glee create a great frustration, the worst thing about high school is all the subtle things that ate away not the inherent and blatant drama they pretend is real life. There were few dramatics, and very little "real" drama but small things that built up and forced eventual confrontation. Beyond the obvious movies and cinema we see, there are whole companies created to profit from preconceived notions of high school years. Whatever you feel about high school you can't deny that it has some impact of many people's lives. How people view it is debatable--I hope the best memories I have won't be the ones spent eating lunches in the art room (yes...this happened). At moments you want to just go shake a babbling-taylor swift-fan into believing that high school isn't that important. It seems it has become this cultural phenomenon because it creates the basis of who we will become, not in any obvious ways, but it sets the foundation of where we can grow. We make decisions then, in those few short years, and are expected to decide who we want to be. This illusion, that once high school is over, you will form a concrete identity has perhaps created a tumultuous inner battle within many psyches. High school is hell. But hell doesn't last that long, and ol nostalgia creeps on in. No matter your experience in high school, its important to appreciate it, and leave it in the past. It'll be interesting (for myself) what this post will read as in 5 years time. Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
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